Do you sometimes have more month left at the end of your money?

Does any of this sound familiar?

  • I have debt, but also want to save for my future.
  • I’m not sure where my money goes at the end of the month.
  • I’m nearing retirement, and I’m not sure if there is anything more I can do to prepare.
  • I make great income, but I feel like I should get more out of it.

Many of us find that we can sometimes end up having more month left at the end of our money, and we want to find a better way to stay on track with a budget so that we can not only enjoy today, but also plan for the future. We would like to introduce you to behavioural cash flow planning! It helps you understand where the money goes, identify spending leaks, and how to implement a strategy to stay on track with your financial goals.

To do this, we will meet with you to understand your biggest goals for your money. We’ll set you up with our cash flow planning tool to securely share your financial details, and as you fill in your information, you'll become aware of where your money is going, areas of concern, and actions you may need to take to improve your financial future. We will help you build a strategy that addresses your committed expenses, like a mortgage, retirement savings, etc. along with a better understanding of your spendable cash for day-to-day expenses. Often, we are able to find money that you can allocate towards new goals and savings. We will show you how to automate and organize your finances, and provide you with the right tools, processes, and financial products to ensure you're successful with implementing our recommendations. Financial planning is a process, not a final solution. We'll keep working towards your goals while adjusting for anything that life may throw at you. We'll also keep open lines of communication so that you can always ask us for guidance.

What is it you value? Why are your finances important? A big purchase? More time with family? A reno project? Give us a call, and we can book a short, initial consultation to find out if behavioural cash flow planning is right for you. It’s not just about the long term goal, it’s also about short term goals and daily happiness, and we want to help you accomplish that.


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