Announcing NEW cash flow opportunities for you!

Announcing NEW cash flow opportunities for you! | Cerullo Financial Services

Many Canadians are finding that inflation and interest rates are either affecting them now or posing a risk to their financial future. As financial advisors, we believe that by adding a new Cash Flow Planning service, we can best serve clients to help ensure we've done all we can to help them get more life from their money.

We think a cash flow plan could be of significant value to you. Good news! A cash flow plan is not a budget, and we won't ask you to give up important aspects of your life. Cash flow plans are designed to be compatible with human behaviour and provide most people easy-to-follow strategies to help them free-up cash flow to fund their future, while still enjoying today.

We'd like to discuss this concept with you, and we only ask for a quick 15-minute phone call to determine if this service could benefit you. Email April at with the words "Cash Flow" in your subject line to schedule a quick phone call.

We also invite you to take a few minutes to complete our Cash Flow Planning Opportunities Assessment. This will also help us spot opportunities to serve you better.

We look forward to speaking with you soon!

April Parlee (Certified Cash Flow Specialist), and Vince Cerullo (Certified Financial Planner)


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